Monday, March 3, 2008

Going Back Home

I’m moving back home to Chicago, IL on march 15, it’s just time for me to get back to real life and get things together. The past few years in college (at Columbus College of Art and Design CCAD) where great. I feel that everyone should get the college life. I mean all the college life. From all niters, to parties that last all night. All the great guys that move our world, and the teachers that changed our lives, and for all those jackass that wasted time and teachers that had too much time, and everything in the middle…. I wouldn’t change a thing. Columbus, Ohio is one of the best places to go to college, but it time for me to get to work and the best place for me to get things started is to go back to my home town and go full focus in the fashion world… I can save money, start sale my fashion. I’m going to be doing it all. Galleries, clubs, parties and anywhere else I can sponsor my fashion profession and myself. Soon you will be seeing a lot more on this blog. There are also a few new websites and pages that I’m on and where you can see more of my work… If you get the chance please check out these sites and see some of my work… Love, Paz & Chanel

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